A simple way to render React on the server

Update (Mar.29, 2018): I now recommend using NextJS to build server-rendered React applications. Read more about it here. This tutorial will explain the simplest way I have found to server render React components, fetch data, and share component state and props between server and client. You don’t need anything complicated. It’s actually very easy and […]

The JavaScript Engineer Skill Tree

If you took all the skills that a intermediate to senior JavaScript Full Stack Engineer required to be productive and successful and mapped them out, what would it look like? In my opinion, it would look like the Skill Tree below. It looks pretty intimidating, doesn’t it? Some of those branches can be entire professions (like Testing, […]

Apple’s New Campus

A quote from Wired’s article on the Apple “Spaceship” Campus stood out to me: At one point, Behling recalls, Jobs discussed the walls he had in mind for the offices: “He knew exactly what timber he wanted, but not just ‘I like oak’ or ‘I like maple.’ He knew it had to be quarter-­cut. It […]