Porownanie aplikacji mobilnej Slottica z wersja na komputery stacjonarne

Porownanie aplikacji mobilnej Slottica z wersja na komputery stacjonarne W dobie dynamicznego rozwoju technologii oraz rosnacego zapotrzebowania na wygodne rozwiazania, coraz wiecej graczy decyduje sie na korzystanie z kasyn online za pomoca urzadzen mobilnych. W niniejszym artykule dokonamy porownania aplikacji mobilnej Slottica z jej wersja na komputery stacjonarne. Przeanalizujemy roznice w interfejsie, funkcjonalnosci, wydajnosci oraz […]

Building React Components using Tailwind

Tailwind is a very popular CSS framework that provides low-level utility classes to help developers build custom designs.

In this post, I’ll explain a several different ways you build reusable React components that leverage Tailwind CSSunder the hood, while exposing a nice “Reacty” interface to other components.

How to have effective 1-on-1 meetings

I have found that having good 1-1s is important to build a good relationship between a manager and their team. However, it is very easy to get sucked into having 1-1s where you only focus on the immediate priorities. The steps listed below are useful for putting priorities in perspective and taking a step back to look at overall goals and expectations of both people.