
We’re launching Lift today so that all businesses can take advantage of technology to increase their bottom line. UI Design, Web/Mobile Development, and consulting. No bull, just great work. Check us out.

Web Scraping with NodeJS

My new tutorial – Web Scraping with NodeJS – is up on Nettuts+. I go through basic scraping methods but the real gold is in the second half, where I talk about using PhantomJS to scrape dynamic pages (pages with AJAX content). Check it out!

Why web developers are software engineers, too

A fantastic article by Nicholas Zakas (@slicknet): Yes, anyone can be a coder, because that just means you write code. What makes you a software engineer is that you’re paid primarily to write code that ends up being used by your customers. The fact that your code isn’t Java or C++ doesn’t make you any […]

AWS Outage

Software developers around the world are weeping tonight because AWS is down. This means Heroku is down, and that means a whole bunch of other sites are experiencing some serious outage. To be honest, this is upsetting but it happens. Guess which site is not down though? Good ol’, running on old-school shared hosting […]