Some Interview Help

Here are some good interview resources that I’ve found over time. Felt it would be useful to friends who are going in for their first full-time technical interview. Great Hacker News Thread with tons of resources Steve Yegge’s Get that job at Google Common algorithm questions asked during an interview Front end Engineering Interview Questions […]

iPhone 4S

Am I disappointed by Apple’s release today? Yes, but I think it was inevitable. We were expecting 2 new phones, one with a brand new design and one that was super cheap. I’m not surprised that it wasn’t doable. I’m still getting an iPhone 4S though, since I’m still using an iPhone 2G (That’s right, […]

To Steve

Wow, it’s been a weird few days. The week started with iPhone 5 anticipation and ended with the passing of one of the greatest innovators that the world has seen. I’ve read a lot of tributes to him, but felt I needed to write one of my own.